Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's called Pink by Yellowglen, don't ask me what Yellowglen is because I have absolutely no idea. To be honest, what got me was the presentation of the bottle; I mean, who wouldn't want to drink a wine with a name like that? It looks classy and sophisticated, things I like to think I am when I drink wine. It's a sparkling wine, I don't know what that means in the wine world but it tastes delicious. I give this wine an A for AMAZING.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Where: My house/Big Buck's
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where: WCH/The Vault
The very first time I ever bought a bottle of Fireball was last year in March. I had tried it before and I liked it so I decided to give in and spend the $19.95 (big mistake). Me and some of the girls from my floor last year were going out to The Vault (sketchy ass club here, worst club ever)... anyways, we were drinking in our lounge doing shots (mistake number one) and after a few shots, my heart begins to beat super fast and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I had to leave, go to my room and lie down for a bit before I killed someone. After being in there for a few minutes, I felt better and returned back to my friends. Don't worry, the night had JUST begun at this point. We went to the bar, danced for a bit and then I realized that my one friend was M.I.A. (and no, not the singer). So I called her, she said she was outside the bar still because her friend's fake ID didn't work. This is where my detective skills came into play. We went to the side door of the club where people leave to go out and smoke, told our friend to meet us there and snuck her in when the security guards weren't looking (so badass, I know). However, this wasn't the first time that our friend tried sneaking in the side door. The security guards recognized her, surrounded us and told us to leave. I was absolutely terrified and I thought the security guards were going to kills us. We left, walked around to the front of the club and tried getting in again (epic fail). The owner of the club (or so he told us) came out and told us to leave. So, of course, me thinking I'm tough shit when drunk, I start talking back to him, telling him how awful and shitty his club is. We argued for a few minutes and then he BANS ME FROM THE CLUB... okay, pal. I was fuming at this point, just extremely pissed. The three of us left and went to The Fox where we were standing in line for a few minutes. The next events are somewhat of a blur to me, all I recall is seeing my one friend running towards a cab and the other, standing in line looking absolutely terrified. I then notice that there is water all over the ground and I'm like "where the fuck did this water come from?" I stared at that puddle for so long and couldn't grasp what the fuck that liquid was. THE NEXT DAY... a bunch of us were discussing the events from the night before and I asked them what the fuck happened when we were in line at The Fox since I didn't really remember much. They told me that they had to leave and go back to res since my friend pissed her pants because she was so trashed. Honestly, funniest moment of my life when I found that out. It all made sense to me: the urgency to get into the cab, that weird puddle on the ground that appeared out of nowhere. I haven't drank Fireball after this night and I never will again... although, when I think about it, that entire night comes back to me and then I'M the one pissing my pants.

Timbaland Balls
February 2008 - January 2009
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Friday, March 19, 2010
Our day began around two o'clock in the afternooon. Some friends came over, we played flip cup in our driveway and invited randoms on the street to join us. Now, not trying to brag here but, my roommates and I are champs at flip cup... just pure champions. I recenetly lost my "flip" but, regained it on Wednesday, thankfully. Honestly, I'm pretty sure we won every single round of flip cup... and if we didn't, I'm just going to say that we did. We have improved our chant that we sing before we start playing. Before it was, "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole, Laurier, Laurier" repeated twice. BUT NOW, we say that and then add "flip cup, bitch" at the end. It's a little vulgar but hey, it's a nice touch to an amazing song.
My street was a sea of green, it was just perfection. The house across from us had people on their roof and all over their lawn. I didn't get a very good picture of it because I was too amazed at my friend Matt on his unicycle.
Our friend, April, got a ticket for standing onto the sidewalk with a beer bottle in her hands. We tried talking to Officer Slater and getting him to cut her some slack because it was St. Patty's but he was not impressed. We then went on campus for some food, got a pita, came back home, I took a nap and then went out to the bar. HOLY SHIT, I left out the best part... WE WERE ON THE NEWS! CTV was on our street for some of the day and taped us, it was just great. Second best part of the day: we didn't even have to clean up the outside because there was a man on a lawnmover driving by people's houses and cleaning up their mess. Also, four black hotties carried in our flip cup table and put it back into the basement for us. So yah, again, our night ended with a pizza slice.. and garlic dip because you can't have pizza without a dipping sauce.
Monday, March 15, 2010

Where: Kaitlyn's house/the bathroom floor
My friend Kaitlyn was throwing a party for New Year's Eve. I got there late and when I say late, I mean at eleven o'clock at night. After seeing how wasted everyone was and realizing that I only had an hour to get drunk before midnight, I decided the best choice for me was to drink my twenty-sixer of vodka as quickly as possible (eventually finishing the entire thing). To be quite honest, this entire night is a complete blur to me. My memories consist of the following: 1) I'm sitting at the bar in her basement taking shots with my friends, 2) I'm lying on her couch talking to my friend on the phone, 3) My friend picks me up from her house to bring me back to my other friend's house and 4) I'm sitting in front of the toilet... where I stayed for a good three hours. If I could take back any night of my drinking life, it would be this one, hands down. I have never been more sick in my entire life; I missed the countdown to New Year's, missed partying with my friends, made a complete ass of myself in front of my friends and totally got a lecture from my mom in the morning because she thought I overdosed on some hardcore drug and fell into a black hole. Since I was incapable of either talking or walking, when my mom called to wish me a "Happy New Year", my friends told her I was "downstairs playing videogames" and couldn't come to the phone (mistake number one). This story is actually kind of depressing but it's a good lesson to everyone (including me). I will never ever drink this kind of vodka again, just thinking about it is making me feel sick. However, if you're a fan of the green apple taste, I suggest either drinking it in cooler form or perhaps a lot slower than I did.
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bacardi has flavoured rums also but I've only ever tried Orange, Raspberry, Citrus (ew) and Coconut. My favourite out of all of those was for sure Raspberry but the original is still my favourite. I'm not really a fan of any spiced rums but when I had Captain Morgan's, it was quite enjoyable. Another drink that I love getting at the bar is rum and coke (that will probably be the April's alcohol of the month) and made when right, it's the perfect drink.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I'm on stage at Chainsaw, a keyboard in front of me, everyone is silent, the spotlight is on me and I start playing Don't Stop Believing on the keyboard and then all of a sudden a band comes out of the darkness and starts playing with me. The crowd goes wild and everyone is cheering my name, I get a record deal from the guy sitting over at table eight because he's a producer at a big record company.
Anywhos, now that I have shared my deepest darkest fantasy with you, I should be going. I'm going to Ottawa this weekend with my fam, I'm so stoked, I haven't seen them in so long. I'm so happy that I have brothers who are of legal drinking age so we can go out to the bars in Ottawa.
Monday, March 8, 2010
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: wasssap
Stranger: nothing
Stranger: asl?
You: 20 f canada
Stranger: ;)
You: you
Stranger: im only 15 finland =(
Stranger: isit nice when canada win in the olimpics ?
Stranger: in hockey
You: yes... very nice... canada is the best
Stranger: are you hot i havent ever seen som one from canada
You: you mean my temperature? it's pretty cold here most of the time... i do live in an igloo
Stranger: noo i meen are u hot?
Stranger: lol
You: right now? no, i'm cold. my igloo is freezing
Stranger: are u a sexy girl?
Stranger: a gees u are a blond
You: yes, of course.. canada is full of sexy women
You: no, im a brunette
Stranger: are u canadies horny?
You: no, no... we're not gladiators.
Stranger: what are you wearing now?
You: right now i'm wearing my bear skinned parka with a seal hat and some furry mittens
Stranger: underwears?
Stranger: panties ?
You: yah.. some deer skin ones
Stranger: do you have big pussy?
You: no, we don't have those in canada. just dogs for pets.
Stranger: big vegiana?
You: why yes, i am a vegetarian
You have disconnected.
Also, told some boy today that I was from North Carolina. Then he asked me if I was Canadian about an hour into the conversation because I had said "eh" three times. Haha, whoops.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Now, we have just recently created a Wall of Shame in our house and hopefully, at the end of university, our entire room will be covered with drunken pictures. We have a room in our house dedicated to drinking, we call it The Spur as a tribute to the bar that closed down last May.
This is a picutre of our Wall of Shame, just to give you guys an idea of what I'm talking about. It's kind of a bad picture but I think you understand what I mean.